Theory: People are more likely to compromise on the quality of food when obtaining it was either virtually effortless or extremely difficult.
Walking Distance to Food
Popularity of Now and Later Flavors
Theory: The more Blue Radberry Now and Laters you eat, the less you will like them. This data may look familiar if you follow US presidential politics.
Obtaining Food
Theory: The average instant-noodles styrofoam cup has equal nutritional value and greater flavor than it’s contents.
Addictive Health Food
Theory: If health food was addictive, Americans would be less overweight.
Risks and Rewards of Restaurant Offerings
Theory: The fancier a Vietnamese restaurant looks inside, the worse the food will be; ideal establishments will feature worn-out low-quality furniture, horrible lighting, and numerically indexed menus.
Lifecycle of Eating Salad for Lunch
Theory: Everything tastes better with meat and cheese.